Reciprocity is the essence of international relations and the west seldom follows it

International relations must be based upon reciprocity and mutual advantage. This applies to trade and commerce also.
Reciprocity is what runs foreign relations. Every country has its interests clearly marked out and its foreign policy is based upon how its interests are protected. In recent times we saw a diplomatic tussle between the UK and India.
The UK had made it mandatory for all Indian citizens to undergo a quarantine period of 10 days regardless of their vaccination status. It was a step that was uncalled for since the UK was also vaccinating its citizens with the same Astra Zeneca COVID-19 vaccine which India was giving to its citizens. There was no need for this diplomatic faux passé.
However, the UK did not budge despite repeated Indian requests. Finally, India also imposed 10 days quarantine on travellers from the UK The message went loud and clear and the UK removed its quarantine stipulation for Indians.
Selective Treatment – A Hurdle in Cordial International Relations
It is not for the first time the West has made a selective treatment for Indians. International relations must be based upon reciprocity and mutual advantage. This applies to trade and commerce also. Selective treatment towards India by the west can damage international relations.
In 1778 the U.S. and France entered into a free trade agreement to boost trade and commerce between the two nations. Britain also enacted the Reciprocity of Duties act in 1823 which brought like-minded countries together and turned out to be a big endeavour in promoting free trade across the globe.
The WTO or World Trade Organization is working to provide a level playing field for all nations to do fair trade practices. However, having said that, numerous countries have in place restrictions and tariffs on imports to protect their domestic industry.
Food Grains Monopolized By Multinational Companies
The West is continuously putting pressure on India to remove subsidies on the agricultural sector. The latest farm Laws are one more way in which the Modi Government is heeding international pressure and removing the MSP given to farmer produce.
Edible oil, Salt, Food Grains are commodities that are always monopolized by multinational companies. These companies have got the financial power to influence political decisions. With most of the sectors of the Indian Economy being liberalized and thrown open to foreign players, the last citadel which is still standing in the path of the multinationals is the agricultural sector. The farmers and social activists are doing their best to stop the fall of the last bastion of India to the corporate world.