Distance Education School: Aiding students in picking the right distance education university

Distance Education School has been handholding students and working professionals in choosing the best distance education universities for higher education.
Choosing the best university is key to better education. It has always been so. Students, once they falter in their choice of the university they would want to enrol in, could end up high and dry when it comes to picking the best to pursue their studies. This is even more true when it comes to zeroing in on the best distance education universities.
With a slew of universities across India offering courses in distance mode, it becomes imperative for students who look for the best to have a thorough understanding of all that is to be looked for when diving deep into the severe-increasing number of courses and the colleges and universities that offer them. Distance education involves remote learning and that adds to the significance of choosing the best universities, colleges and courses.
It is in this context that the concept of Distance Education School (DES) assumes significance. Distance Education School was born with the idea of helping students and working professionals connect with the country’s top universities that offer distance education in higher studies. In fact, the concept rides on the thought that bridging the gap between students and universities was very important when candidates look to enrol for higher education.
Novel Learning concepts, the DES formula
Distance Education School has been conceptualised as a novel learning platform that offers on a platter a wide range of professional undergraduate and postgraduate courses online. Distance Education School was established in 2012, and it currently functions as a SODE (School of Online and Distance Education) Counselling Services LLP organization. Since its inception, Distance Education School has made it a point that it has constantly helped thousands of students find the right path to a glorious career.
With the concept novel and need-based, students have been thronging the Distance Education School portal to make use of all facilities lined by the School of Distance Education. Students are aware that the DES portal accords utmost importance to counselling, and it doesn’t claim to be per se a University. Imparting counselling information is what it does, and by connecting students and working professionals with distance education universities approved by the UGC and DEB, Distance Education School handholds them towards better higher education avenues.
Besides, Distance Education School also guides students in arriving at admission decisions based on their educational background and interests. The portal also aids them in learning processes with the deployment of learning management systems. In effect, Distance Education School acts as a platform that bridges the gap between students and top universities. Its functioning is extremely transparent, and students will not have to submit any document while registering or later on.
Tech-aided admission process
According to Ms Divya Srivastava, HR Director, Distance Education School, “Ever since inception, we have been striving to be of help to students and also working professionals in their bid to choose the best universities and courses as they plan their higher education. It is with great pride I could say that DES has transformed the lives of several students by also linking their careers with big brand names of India”.
Distance Education School has been able to unearth the true potential of students who come to it by way of its state-of-the-art e-learning programs. Alumni have endorsed DES as the complete learning platform where students get 100 per cent flexibility and assistance with regard to picking their professional programs in the best universities.
Distance Education School has ensured that it has put in place a tech-aided admission process so as to facilitate distance education in UGC-DEB approved universities. The technology-driven college admission procedure involves a whole range of processes starting with online registration, counselling by experts and helping students choose suitable universities and also aiding them in the online fee submission process. Students, over the years, have found the help provided by Distance Education School immensely useful.
Distance Education School has already made a name for its expertise in counselling the students who come calling. The Covid-19 pandemic period had witnessed a rush of students registering on the portal. Initially, students seeking face to face counselling sessions with experts were around 20, However, as the pandemic situation was raging, online counselling sessions were more popular, and currently, more than 500 online counselling sessions are done every day.
As of date, DES has been able to offer help to more than 10,000 students, who have subsequently been able to join various reputed universities that offer distance education. Students are offered extra printed and online study materials. Besides they are also given assignments, short notes, graphics, and presentations, apart from the detailed counselling procedures.
For more information, visit distanceeducationschool.com or visit their social handles:
Instagram @onlinedistanceeducationschool, Facebook @officialdistanceeducationschool,LinkedIn , Youtube, Twitter @distance_school and Pinterest (@deducationschool).