Dev Academy Students Create History Through 6 Hours Of Non-Stop Talent Expression And Set Elite World Records

Dev Academy Creates World Record In Tamil Nadu
Dev Academy, a pioneering private institute in Tamil Nadu with a vision and mission of educating and imparting value-added holistic education for human excellence, with over a decade of distinction, has successfully accomplished “Dev Academy World Records Festival 2022” on August 28, 2022. It is a mega talent festival in which 9 young minds have showcased their hidden talent by performing various acts in Yoga and Silambam. All nine talented young aspirants bagged entry into Elite World Records, Asian Records Academy, India Records Academy, and Tamilan Book of Records.
U. Gautham Dev set a record by performing 236 different yoga poses within a span of 30 minutes, which included some of the most advanced yoga poses such as Crow Pose, Forearm Stand Pose, Hand-to-Foot Pose, Lotus Pose, and everything about yoga emphasizing health is wealth.
Dev Academy Masters The Silambam
Silambam is one of the ancient forms of martial arts in India with iconic armed and unarmed combat components and positions. It is a stand-alone martial art in Tamil Nadu. By performing nonstop for 70 minutes, R. Sai Dharshwin set a world record for “Longest Silambam Marathon (Ullveechu) on a Nail Bed.”
Yoga works on the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic levels of the body. Yoga is classified into Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Gyana Yoga, and Kriya Yoga. In this context, achievements in yoga are considered beyond the diamonds in the sky. S. Dinesh has been conferred the world record title for holding Sirasasana Yoga Pose continuously for 15 minutes 49 seconds.
Believe it or not, in her first attempt, she performed 193 different poses and was not successful as per norms, but in her second attempt, she was able to prove her hidden potential in yoga by performing 230 yoga poses in 20 minutes and grabbing the world record title.
Mount Everest is the highest point on Earth, while the Mariana Trench is the deepest point. The Earth is not just soil and water. It is much more than that! Earth comprises humans with amazing talents as well. The Most Talented R. Heeroshini created a world record by performing 110 different yoga poses in 10 minutes.
Achieving New Heights
Believe it or not, S. Yalini made an achievement in her endurance by holding Upavistha Konasana Yoga Pose continuously for 13 minutes without a break.
Martial arts are practised for a number of reasons, such as self-defence, competition, physical development, mental development, spiritual development, and entertainment, and it is also a cultural heritage. In this context, P. Kishore entangled a world record in “Longest Silambam Marathon (Veliveechu) on a Nail Bed” by performing for 1 hour and 10 minutes.
Bandhas and mudras are practices associated with yoga. He created a world record by performing 87 different types of yoga poses in just 8 minutes. He embodied the spirit of Indian Traditional Cultural Heritage in Yogic Science.
The greatest of the emperors have stood tall because of the height of their martial arts and self-defence skills. V. Vedarth challenged that he could perform Silambam continuously on a nail bed for hours together and was successful in achieving the title “Longest Silambam Marathon (Nadukombu) on a Nail Bed” by performing for 64 minutes.
U. Naga Jothi, Chief Mentor-Dev Academy, pointed out that we are educating and imparting skills in acts of Yoga, Silambam, Abacus, Karate, Taekwondo, Boxing, Classical Dance, Western Dance, etc. All of these pave the way for the holistic development of the child. We are experts in stimulating mental and physical development. We are enabling them to maximize their performance, which paved the way for our children to create historical achievements by way of world records. She added that these young guns were out to prove their talents in yoga and Silambam, wherein they performed as quickly as a bolt of lightning.
Winning doesn’t always mean being first it simply means you’re doing better than you’ve done before. “All the world record achievers of Dev Academy have done their best in all means, appreciated by Dr K. Satyasree Gupta, Adjudicator-Elite World Records.
For the first time in India, in Non-Stop 6 Hours of Talent Expression, 9 young minds set world records in different categories and created an incredible history, pointed out and appreciated. Dr A.K. Senthil Kumar, Ambassador-Asian Records Academy.
At the World Citation Ceremony held in Chennai, S. Mohan Kumar, Tahsildar-Madhuravoyal Taluk, Chennai District, felicitated the students for their achievements.