David Lindsay’s exhilarating career was highlighted by Passion Vista

Premier luxury, lifestyle and business magazine Passion Vista celebrates the glorious and illustrious careers of eminent personalities from all over the globe. Their resounding success has made the world take notice of their diligence, persona and work ethos. The much-awaited “Hall of Fame 2022” issue is carefully curated with stories of such individuals who have prestigiously ranked above everyone else and have shared their passion journeys.
David Lindsay’s competitive nature is the biggest asset in his work as an International Coach, Personal Trainer and Professional Speaker, along with his years of being an Athlete. He has competed semi-professionally in Rugby League, competed in Arm-wrestling and MMA (Cage fighting), has coached First Grade and international Footballers, as well as Olympians and Commonwealth Games medalists.
These years in the sporting arena have taught him invaluable life lessons – How to be part of a team, how to keep going when the going gets tough, and many more. “Life’s biggest lessons have come to me through my Martial Arts, specifically wrestling and my Coach. Unlike many other areas in life, in Wrestling, there is nowhere to hide and you can’t simply talk your way into a winning position,” he insists.
A focused goal-achiever, David was a born Coach yet he never really thought of himself as a Leader, until one day his wrestling coach told him to watch how the rest of the team listen to him and follow his lead, some of them big, strong guys. “I took a lot from that and personally, I believe a leader shows, teaches, encourages and motivates his players to get the most out of them. Sometimes you lead from the front, sometimes by their sides, and other times from the back. You have to be able to read the game, know your players, and act accordingly,” he opines.
This was the beginning of the ‘David Lindsay Integrated Health and Vitality’, wherein David coached individuals and delivered Keynote addresses all over the globe. Then came the pandemic that saw everything change.
“We used to do face-to-face coaching but since this was no longer an option, we decided to make an online course. That way we could help people from all around the world instead of just being local,” tells us David. This is how the first COVID lockdown saw the birth of ‘Phenom Leap Education’. Founded by David, the consultancy helps you discover your potential to become your desired self.
One of their most effective programs is the ‘3 Pillars to High Performance’, a target course where they give middle managers systems, strategies and skills to become a better person both at their workplace and outside of work. It is a great tool companies can use to attract and retain staff. If individuals wish to upgrade themselves, they can turn to David’s ‘5 Steps towards Improved Vitality’ model (Keynote talk), which is equally successful.
Speaking about the challenge of launching during the pandemic, David says, “It has been a big challenge, but also an exciting one at that. We really came about because of the tough situations faced due to the pandemic that swept the globe. I was super lucky to have the support and guidance of my business partners, coaches and family members. To me, it comes down to hard work. You may have luck, but you have to capitalize on that luck to make it a success.”
Something David has done with flair. Few areas that Phenom Leap trains in include – personal education, communication courses, consulting, keynote speeches, all of which are transforming people for the better worldwide.
To be a great role model for his daughter is probably David’s biggest driving force. “I want to leave a legacy that will outlive me and positively impact the lives of millions, both through my courses and speaking events. Now that this pandemic is hopefully behind us, I want to travel the world to do this and show my family what is out there,” he adds. To know more about David, check www.passionvista.com or to nominate email, [email protected]
You can learn more about David’s life-altering ‘3 Pillars to High Performance’ 12 month B2B course or his ‘5 Steps Towards Improved Vitality’ Keynote, by writing to him at [email protected]. Or to be a guest on his Dynamic Company Culture podcast, where we want to celebrate companies that have a great company culture go to go.davidlindsaypodcast.com