17,71,840 Palmyra seeds planted in 12 hours: Ramanathapuram District in Tamil Nadu creates World Record

Led by the District Rural Development Agency (DRDA), the district successfully planted the seeds across 993 locations in 429 village panchayats.
The Ramanathapuram District of Tamil Nadu has carved a name for itself in the record books and people’s minds with the successful implementation of a green initiative of massive proportions. Led by the District Rural Development Agency (DRDA), the district has planted as many as 17,71,840 Palmyra seeds across 993 locations in 429 village panchayats. The achievement coincided with the celebration of 153rd Gandhi Jayanthi. The whole initiative was completed in 12 hours.
The planting of the seeds assumes significance because Palmyra is considered the state tree and a harmonious species in Tamil Nadu. The massive seed planting effort is a step forward in the conservation of the species as the number of Palmyra trees has been on the decline, of late.
From Left to Right: A.M.Kamatchi Ganesan (District Revenue Officer), Ameet. K.Hingorani (Senior Adjudicator, Elite World Records), K.J.Praveenkumar IAS., (Additional Collector), E.Karthik IPS., (Superintendent of Police) with prestigious Elite World Records Certificate.
CM Stalin’s visionary programme, says District Collector
According to J.U. Chandrakala, District Collector, Ramanathapuram, “Chief Minister Sri M.K. Stalin’s visionary “Palmyra Protection Programme” has guided the State Government to plant Palmyra seeds across Tamil Nadu to protect the State tree and propagate it in a big way across the State as the tree has been facing extinction due to rapid felling. To fulfil the mission and vision of protecting and expediting a revolution of planting the Palmyra trees, we in Ramanathapuram District, with the support of 1,45,245 MGNREGS workers, have planted 17,71,840 Palmyra palm seeds in 12 hours.”
K J Praveen Kumar, Additional Collector (DRDA), added that the Palmyra trees, which are sturdy and strong, can withstand heavy winds and cyclones. Further, the fibrous roots have the capability to go deep into the soil and bind the soil well, thereby preventing soil erosion. After micro-level planning, rigorous meetings, training and workshops were conducted for the benefit of all stakeholders between July 15th, 2021 to September 30th, 2021 and the project was successfully implemented on October 1st, 2021.
According to him, the DRDA Team identified the locations conducive for planting the Palmyra seeds. Vantage points such as avenues, tank bunds, main roads and arterial village roads were chosen. Also, spots around water bodies were chosen as it is a known fact that, if planted around water bodies, the Palmyra plants would help in recharging water.
The massive campaign of planting 17,71,840 Palmyra seeds will pave the way for aiding the livelihood of farmers. It will also help the district to withstand heavy winds and cyclones in the future, he pointed out.
World Record comes calling
Besides, the project has also won a world record accreditation from Elite World Records, Asian Records Academy, India Records Academy and Tamilan Book of Records in the category “Most Palmyra Palm Seeds Planted at Multiple Locations in 12 Hours”. Eleven adjudicators and records managers from these world record certifying agencies were physically present on September 30, 2021, and October 1, 2021, and visited 334 locations, They also verified the quality, weight, and quantity of the seeds, and the plantation methods. It was also verified whether all the rules spelt out by the world record agencies were followed during the process. Post all verifications, the world record title was conferred to the district.
From Left to Right: Dr M.Santharam (Adjudicator, Asian Records Academy), Dr B.Sivakumaran (Senior Adjudicator, Asian Records Academy), Ameet.K.Hingorani (Senior Adjudicator, Elite World Records), E.Karthik IPS., (Superintendent of Police), K.J.Praveenkumar IAS., (Additional Collector), A.M.Kamatchi Ganesan (District Revenue Officer), P.Jeganathan (Associate Editor, India Records Academy), K.S.Karthickk Kanagaraju (Records Manager, India Records Academy), and Dr B.Bala Subramaniyan (Senior Records Manager, Tamilan Book of Records) at the world record citation ceremony.
What the world record agencies say
It is very evident that this Project of Planting 17,71,840 Palmyra seeds will pave the way for the livelihood of people of Ramanathapuram District in the years to come. We are pleased to certify this project as a new world record
–Ameet K Hingorani, Senior Adjudicator, Elite World Records
This Natural Resource Management Project by planting Palmyra Palm seeds has created a green revolution and it has given lot of faith and confidence to farmers and all stakeholders
– Dr. B. Siva Kumaran, Senior Adjudicator, Asian Records Academy.
This visionary project executed by DRDA, Ramanathapuram District, will be an everlasting asset to the people of Ramanathapuram. It will help the standard of living of the people in the days to come. We are proud to certify this as a world record.
P. Jeganathan. Associate Editor and Senior Records Manager, India Records Academy
Palmyra trees had been an integral part of Tamil life. With changes in cultural and social milieu, they lost their importance. In realty and industrial agriculture, they were considered worthless and axed, resulting in significant loss in tree count. This project has created awareness on importance of Palmyra trees and has attracted public participation.
– Dr. B. Bala Subramanian, Senior Records Manager, Tamilan Book of Records.
The unique effort undertaken and successfully implemented by the Ramanathapuram District does indeed go long way in terms of creating general awareness and also greener pastures. Significantly, the initiative ensures that families in the district who are completely dependent on Palmyra and its products would find a better livelihood. The Palmyra seed plantation drive has proved to be a great motivator for all people in the district and has also spurred public interest and volunteers to be part of the massive programme.